
  1. From microscale to riverscape
    1. Integration of different scales
    2. New tools for upscaling
    3. Modelling of aquatic habitats 
  2. Recent development in data acquisition techniques
    1. Remote sensing
    2. Telemetry
    3. Big data
    4. Management and integration of multiscale datasets
  3. Fish passage
    1. Engineering and flow modeling
    2. Fundamental biology and ecology
    3. Evaluation of fish passage designs
    4. Policy and management
  4. Habitat connectivity
    1. Longitudinal and lateral connectivity
    2. Thermal habitats across spatial and temporal scales
    3. Connectivity in the St.Lawrence and other large rivers
    4. Winter dynamics
  5. Contribution of traditional knowledge and citizen science to ecohydraulics and fish passage
    1. Data acquisition
    2. Two-eyed seeing
    3. Modeling
    4. Case studies
  6. Dams and hydropower
    1. Hydropeaking
    2. Dismantling
    3. Modeling
    4. Impact assessement and mitigation
  7. Environmental flows
    1. Hydrological and hydraulic approaches
    2. Holistic methods
    3. Non- stationarity (climate changes)
    4. Integrated ecohydraulic modeling
  8. Vegetation in ecohydraulics
    1. Riparian zone
    2. Bank stabilization
    3. Modeling
  9. Advances in numerical methods
    1. Discretization
    2. 2-D and 3-D models
    3. Statistical models
  10. Stream restoration
    1. Single species
    2. Holistic approaches
    3. Case studies
  11. Ecosystem engineers
    1. From micro to macro habitat modifications